If you're looking for a place to belong, come check us out!
Orchard Hill Church has been a part of the Walker community since 1989. Our main purpose for being “on the hill” is to see that hundreds of families and individuals living in the surrounding neighborhoods will become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
To reach that goal we have strived to be an active and indispensable presence of Jesus in our surrounding area. You will find hundreds of children finding care and teaching in our Pre-school and Day Care, mentoring happening at the elementary school, struggling parents finding help with their children, smiles shared at neighborhood events, wounds mended in our counseling center, hearts lifted in vibrant worship on the weekend and much, much more! All of this happens as we intentionally live out our call to follow Jesus “with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength” being His church in the world.
Orchard Hill Church is a part of the Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC). The ARC is a growing community of congregations aligned together to spur one another on in faith and mission. We share a common belief that the Bible is the only rule and guide to our life of faith, and all scripture is God-breathed and is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God. Together we are focused on Jesus’ call to make disciples who make other disciples, equipping all of God’s gifted people for Kingdom work, and bringing new initiatives and churches to life that share the gospel in their context.
Connect Four
“Connecting our hearts to God and Others”

Connect daily with God through spiritual practices such as Bible reading and Prayer.

CONNECT Consistently
Connect consistently with other Christians for care, growth, and mission.

Serve the church and the world regularly with your gifts and talents to help God’s Kingdom advance.

Reach the lost, the last, and the least by meeting needs and declaring the Good News.