- From June 20-22, 2024, Northwest Iowa received significant rainfall which overwhelmed rivers and caused flash flooding and river flooding in many communities. As the water level rose, the roads and bridges quickly became washed out, farmland became saturated, and homes became severely flooded, displacing hundreds of families in Sioux and Lyon Counties and beyond.
- Due to the unexpectedly fast nature of the flooding, numerous people had to be rescued from their flooded homes and cars by boat as they did not have time to evacuate. The flood damage is widespread, and recovery will be ongoing for the foreseeable future.
- This is the backyard to many of our brothers and sisters in the Reformed Church, including many from our own denomination (ARC). Iowa is home for many of the regular volunteers World Renew sends out.
VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers must be at least 18 years old. All skill levels from beginner to licensed are welcome, as long as you are willing to serve, learn, and work hard!
PARTNERS: We are partnering with World Renew DRS, a Grand Rapids based missions sending agency, to serve in Iowa. While on the ground, our team will be connected to Sioux Lyon County Long Term Disaster Recovery Group to rebuild local homes.
ACCOMMODATIONS/MEALS: Housing is provided for the volunteer work teams at participating local churches. Showers, bathroom, and kitchen facilities are provided. We will take turns as a team to prepare meals.
COST: TBD based on number of volunteers registering. We try to keep the expenses to under $300. If cost is an issue, contact the church office. We don’t want cost to keep our congregation from serving in this way!
- Sleeping bag/bedding
- Towel and toiletries
- Work clothes and closed-toed shoes (things that can get dirty/ruined)
- Temps have varied between the 60’s & the 80’s for the week. Pack accordingly.
- Clean clothes and shoes for post-work (dinner, evening gatherings, one meal out, etc.)
- Towel and toiletries
- Sunscreen and water bottle
- Any games or snacks you may personally want for the week
- A Bible, notebook, and pen
- It is always a good idea to bring your own work gloves, safety glasses, tape measurer, hammer, charcoal pencil, etc.
- If you would like to bring larger tools, we will have a tool coordinator from our team you will be put in contact with.
SPIRITUAL PREPARATION: Please don’t just physically prepare for this trip, but spiritually prepare as well! We will have daily devotionals from World Renew for each team member (totally optional). Let Pastor Laura know if you would like one. Please also consider signing up to lead a short evening devotional to encourage our team at our nightly debrief and reflection time.
FORMS/PAPERWORK: World Renew DRS will have forms that will need to be completed pre-service, including:
- Team Application
- Medical Information Form
- Background Check Form