Equip Groups

Equip groups are designed to help you grow in your understanding of the faith as they equip you to live out your calling in Christ.

1) Lifelong Learning: 3rd Thursday Group

Who: Andy adult maturing in the faith, seeking to be shaped into the image of Christ.

Focus: Each month we will dig into a different element of our discipleship pathway: Reach, Serve, Connect, or Grow.

Leaders: Bob Karel (bobk@orchardhill.org)

When and Where: 3rd Thursday of the month, at 6:30 PM in the East Overflow, January 18- May 16.

2) Another Gospel?

Who: Any adult looking to understand the false gospel of progressive Christianity and learn how to determine- and rest in- what’s unmistakably true.

Study: Reading Another Gospel? by Alisa Childers, and discussing together. You will learn to challenge the persuasiveness of progressive Christianity, teach discern and make biblically based observations, and discover how thrilling and humbling the true gospel is.

Leaders: Julie Lough (julie@rationalorder.com)

When and Where: Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the Group Leader’s home, February 13- March 19.

3) Who’s Your One?

Who & What: This year, our church family is committing to pray for one person in each of our lives who needs to know and receive Jesus! This group will meet regularly to encourage one another, share testimony of how we see God moving, learn tips for how to reach out, and pray together.

Leader: Laura Dilley (laurad@orchardhill.org)

When and Where: 1 Sunday of the month at 11:30 AM PM in the Grower’s Room, January 7- May 5.

4) Equipping Intentional Grandparents

Who: Any Grandparent looking to be equipped to help faithfully disciple their grandchildren in the Lord.

Focus: Equipping Intentional Grandparents curriculum from Legacy Coalition has a mission to encourage and equip grandparents to be intentional about passing on their legacy of faith to their grandchildren. Using a webinar series called Grand Monday Nights, we will cover a range of topics with the goal of helping grandparents have a greater spiritual impact on their families and grandchildren, as we gather together to watch, discuss, and pray!

Leader: Deb Rodenhouse (dhouse1131@charter.net)

When and Where: 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Bumblebee Room, January 23- May 28.

5) Financial Peace University

Who: People of any age looking to be equipped to faithfully steward their personal finances.

Study: Financial Peace University, by Dave Ramsey. A way to learn healthy financial practices and be equipped to experience financial freedom from debt. Register at: www.fpu.com/8A3B98.

Leader: Dan DeWaal (dan@moneywithhonor.com)

When and Where: Thursdays at 6:30 PM in the Man Cave, February 1- March 28.

6) Tehillah Nights

Who: People of any age looking to be encouraged, equipped, and transformed by the Holy Spirit.

Focus: Tehillah is the Hebrew word for singing a new song! This time is for worship and encouragement in the Holy Spirit. This may look like spontaneous prayer, praise, and fellowship through wisdom, scripture, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you are seeking breakthrough, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the renewing of mind, or the mending of heart, come worship with us!

Leader: Erika W. (movingyesterday@gmail.com)

When and Where: The 1st & 2nd Mondays of the month at 6:00 PM, January 8- May 13, in the West Overflow.

7) Stephen Minister Training

Who: Any adult looking to to be trained to serve in a ministry of care and compassion.

What: Stephen Minister training is an engaging, energizing experience that teaches principles and skills to equip you to provide high-quality, Christ-centered emotional and spiritual care to others in crisis. After training, Stephen Ministers are available to be matched in a long-term partnership with someone in crisis who is in need of encouragement in Christ.

Leader: Lin Borduin (lin.borduin@gmail.com)

When & Where: Mondays at 6:30 PM, February 12- June, in the Coffee Area.