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Reaching the Unreached with the Good News of Jesus
B is a cross-cultural missionary who is training to go and work with unreached people groups. Due to privacy concerns, we cannot share his full name or location.
Along with his team, B aims to plant churches among an unreached people group in Eurasia. The goal is to share the gospel with people who currently have no access to the message of salvation.
Across the globe, there are more than 7,000 unreached people groups. Our hope is to bring that number down by one!
B and the team are committed to making mature disciples through the establishment of a healthy, local, & reproducing church- to plant a church & raise up mature disciple-making-disciples among unreached people in Eurasia; millions in that region have not heard the gospel due to language, geographic, political, and other barriers.
In July 2023, B & his teammates plan to move to a major city in the region. Before moving into an unreached people group, they will begin with intense language learning and then start a business to gain meaningful relationships, integrate into the life of the community, and provide meaningful access to engage an unreached people group for many years in order to see the task completed.
Currently, the team is forming partnership development with individuals and churches in the United States before launching overseas as soon as possible. They count it a privilege to be sent out from their church to take the gospel to the least reached in order that Christ might be exalted among all nations.
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