
The Wonder of a Star

The most popular symbols to take the top spot on a Christmas tree are usually an angel or a star.   Typically, one of these symbols adorns the top of the tree because they represent key features of the Christmas story. Matthew Chapter 2 points to the prominence of the star when we read that, After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”  

This advent season, like the Wiseman, we need to see the Wonder of the Star.  For when we see the wonder of the star, we will see a God who is with us and bringing hope into our lives

Matthew features the star in his birth narrative to purposefully point us to the truth that Jesus is God’s Son.  Forty years before the appearance of this star announcing the birth of Jesus, in 44BC, there was another famous star called Caesars Comet or the Julian Star.  At this time, the Roman Dictator Julius Caesar, was stabbed and killed in the Senate by Brutus. Four months following his death, a celebration to honor Caesar was held in July.  During this event a spectacular comet, likely the brightest in recorded history, was seen for seven days and nights in the northern sky. Chinese sources confirmed this sighting. When something anomalous or unexpected was observed in the skies, the ancient people took notice, considering it to be a message from the gods. As this comet made its way through the sky and was at the center of everyone’s conversation, Octavian, Caesar’s son, seized this unexpected moment and pointed to the comet as Caesar’s soul ascending to the heavens. This was sufficient evidence for the Senate, and they posthumously granted Julius the title of the Divine Julius. Caesar was now a god! This also would then make his son Octavian, who is now Caesar Augustus, the son of a God.  

This star event was captured on a coin of the day and was still in the mindset of the first century audience. As a result, when they heard in Matthew’s gospel that at Jesus’ birth Magi (scholars and astronomers) show up and declare seeing the star of the new king of the Jews, this announcement would have gotten some attention. Matthew’s audience would immediately recognize that Matthew is saying, is “The one born is God.” Matthew previously wrote that, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel, God with us” And now here by the hand of God in the heavens and witnessed by the magi is indeed the Son of God

 With the arrival of the Son of God, the star also declared for God’s people that their hope had arrived.  God’s people had been living in HOPE for over 3,500 years. Throughout all this time they kept their hope in a coming Messiah. This star pointed people to this Hope as the Chief Priests and the teachers of the law recalled for Herod the words of the Prophet Micah that, “from Bethlehem in the land of Judah will come a ruler.” This Messiah would be born in the City of David — in Bethlehem! As we sing regarding Bethlehem every Christmas season, “the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.”   But the hope coming from Bethlehem came not in a political coup or by military force but rather in a person, Jesus Christ. When the Hope from Bethlehem announced that the Kingdom of God is at hand (Mark 1:15)  he was speaking of the future Kingdom of God that would come to earth—and He was the way into that Kingdom. The Hope was not found in building a kingdom in this world, but rather in a kingdom in heaven. The Hope of this heavenly kingdom came in the only way it could – through God with us. God sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us.  (Romans 8:3)

As we begin advent, will you take the time to see the wonder of the star and know that God is with you? And because God is with you, you can have HOPE. As the star stood over Bethlehem the message was clear – God’s Son is here your Hope has arrived. That message is the same for you today – God is here and your hope has arrived. I’m not sure where you need to experience that hope today. Maybe as you consider that doctor’s report? Maybe as you despair over the mess your marriage is in? Maybe as you see what little money is in the bank while the bills pile up? Maybe the day in and day out struggle with your kids and their schooling?  Maybe the fear that grips your mind that I can’t seem to get rid of? Whatever your place of need is remember that God is here and God is bringing you hope. Philippians 4:19 tells us very simply: “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”  Believe the Good News!
– Pastor Bob Karel

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