In the words of Pastor John Jefferson, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s comin!” Sunday…referring to that glorious day when people from all over the world gather to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus from the dead! I can’t think of a more important day on the entire calendar and I’m not the only one who thinks so.
I’ve already been bombarded with store ads reminding me that the Easter dresses are on sale and shoes are at an amazing deal of buy one get one half off! I remember the years when my kids were little and those ads got my attention. Dressing my little girl in pastels and ruffles was something I always enjoyed doing. One year all three of my kids had matching outfits. Two boys and a girl all dressed in coordinating colors and patterns! Ha-ha…they were adorable! And of course, there was always last minute shopping for candy eggs and chocolate crosses. Yes, for some reason these things are part of our holiday tradition and I admit I’ve been caught up in it as much as the next person, but when all of those “to dos” are checked off our lists will we really be ready for Easter?
This question is at the forefront of my mind because I’m in the midst of preparing for the church’s Holy Week service. I’ve planned a service like this every year since I was 23 years old. Some churches call it a Passion Week service usually held the Thursday (Maundy Thursday) or Friday (Good Friday) prior to Easter Sunday.
As a kid I remember attending services like this but it wasn’t until I actually started planning them that I understood how important this week leading up to Easter is.
So as I’m planning, the question I’m asking is this, can we fully celebrate Easter without remembering the suffering that led up to the resurrection?
I know Holy Week is a busy time. There’s Easter shopping to get done, finding that ham everyone is anticipating for dinner, and if you are travelling over spring break I’m sure there will be some packing in there as well. But I can tell you from my own experience that our Easter celebration will taste better than Grandma’s Easter ham if we carve time out of that “Holy Week” to do something that is actually holy.
Although we most likely know the events that took place before resurrection we can’t forget the cost of His life here on earth before the miracle. I will go as far as to say that if there isn’t a time of mourning or grieving in our lives during the final days leading up to Easter, we may not have experienced Christ’s love fully. Ouch…I’m sorry.
I have a very special family in my life who lost their daughter to cancer at the age of 12. We watched her walk the long journey of chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants, and painful procedures that I can hardly wrap my mind around a child bearing. Every February when we remember the passing and homecoming of this precious child there is a time of mourning. How can we love this little girl so much and not be sad for what she suffered? Yes, she is free from pain! Yes, she is home with Father God! But when you love someone as much as we loved Sarah there will still be times of grieving over this precious life. We mourn her loss even as a resurrected child of God.
I think our Savior deserves the same honor. “He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brings us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5.
It is my sincere prayer that as you gear up for the “Big Day”, that your celebration will include some time to reflect and mourn over the cost of our precious Savior. Without placing guilt I urge you to take at least one day next week and focus on this sacrifice. Maybe set aside your Thursday or Friday to read through the passion of our Lord (Matthew 26-28, Mark 14-16, Luke 22-24, John 13-21), rent the movie Passion of the Christ, or attend a special service that brings you to a place of remembrance.
And then…on Easter Sunday morning, when the sun rises, the music begins to play, and the festivities begin, we will indeed be able to celebrate a life well lived and new life for all who believe!
Check this out- Sunday’s Comin’!
Wendy Huizinga
Music Minister/ Worship Arts Director, Orchard Hill Church