It’s one of those days…the rain is falling; the sky is dark. The gloom of the day has crept into my spirit and I hate when that happens. The day started out just fine: I got up on time—mini-miracle #1; I got the kids off to school by 7:30—mini-miracle #2; and finally, I worked out and had enough time to put a few curls in my hair—mini-miracle #3. Yay!
The start of this day seemed so hopeful! And then it happened….a text that I wasn’t expecting and I certainly wasn’t ready for. It was a text that turned my astonishingly good day into one that made me want to cry my eyes out and go back to bed. Isn’t it strange how a good start can so quickly turn bleak? This particular dark cloud didn’t roll in slowly either. No, this felt like a full-blown twister popping out of nowhere and had the potential aftermath of what you see on those weather channel specials. You see, when I expect God to do one thing and He allows the complete opposite, I wonder if He really controls the wind and the waves.
When the rain clouds my vision I wonder if the signs I saw or the voice I heard was something I made up in my head. Or does the God of the universe actually hear me, speak to me, and wants what’s best for me and those I love? Maybe you’ve wondered this too. Maybe a thunderstorm has brought you heartache of some kind as well. Maybe your miracles are now hidden behind dark clouds.
Quite honestly, the only way I find peace when a storm like this one hits is this: I know my God.
I know what His word says, and I believe it. I know what He has done for me in the past, and I trust Him. I know I am His child, and He loves me. I know He is good. I know He is faithful.
I know He can turn a situation around in an instant, and I know that if He doesn’t that He is present in the darkness.
The clouds will eventually part. The gray skies will become blue again. The sun will shine. I know there is hope of a new dawn, a new day, a new start, and new miracles no matter how small.
It’s now almost midnight and I hear more thunder in the distance. Another storm is brewing. I’m not sure what this one will bring, but I know the sun is not far behind.
Wendy Huizinga
Music Minister/Worship Arts Director