Small groups meet to form deep community that mutually encourages each other to seek after Christ as they study God’s word.
1) Men’s Ministry: Bible Study
Who: Men of all ages (18+), passionate about growing in faith as followers of Jesus Christ. Join for fun, community, and digging into the Word.
What: Finishing our series on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and then moving onto a new series, Men of Faith, where we will dive into the lives of men of the Bible who lived with true faith in God!
Leader: Bob Karel (
When and Where: Wednesdays at 6:30 PM, January 15-May 21, in The Man Cave.
2) Women’s Bible Study
Who: Ladies of all ages experiencing our God through Scripture, knowing His word and applying it to our lives, as we live in this broken world with hope.
What: Finishing our study of Sovereign Hope: A Study of the Minor Prophets, by Claudia Barba. Then finishing off the year with Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story, by Angie Smith.
Leader: Marlene Feistamel (
When & Where: Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the Bumblebee Room, February 5- April 9.
3) Seek First
Who: A group for adult women (18+) who want to grow in relationship with God as they gain a better understanding of His word and of who He is.
What: Continuing our fall series called, The Jesus who Surprises, by Dee Brestin. Discover Jesus in the most unexpected places, like the books of Moses, poetic texts, prophets’ writings, and our lives today!
Leader: Amy Karel (
When & Where: The 1st, 3rd, & 5th Tuesdays at 6:30 PM in the Coffee Area. January 21– April 29.
4) Hope Joy Circle
Who: A Bible study for seasoned ladies gathering for fellowship, faith, and friendship.
What: Studying Faith Practices, a Formation Ministries book.
Leader: Maureen DeKruif (
When & Where: 1st Tuesday of the month at 1:30 PM in the Bumblebee Room, January 7– May 6.
5) Gospel Mom
Who: Moms of any age looking for an authentic, gospel-centered community in Christ.
What: A study on the book Gospel Mom. Explore what it truly means to be a gospel mom: a woman who is renewed by Christ’s righteousness, knows her mission and purpose, and lives free from guilt and unhealthy comparison.
Leader: Myra Kerner (
When & Where: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6:30 PM in the Man Cave, February 11– April 22.