Upcoming Opportunities to Give and Serve:
Did you know that we have a Care Closet at Orchard Hill that helps families that come to our church in crisis and in need of essentials? We are trying to stock our closet with emergency food boxes, diapers (of all sizes) and wipes, and personal care items. Check out the Outreach Table in the lobby for more details on how you can help stock our closet this month and help local families in need of extra care.
60% of families in Walker don’t qualify for assistance but don’t make enough financially to get by without it. In light of this high need in our own backyard, Orchard Hill is partnering with Hand 2 Hand Ministries to provide weekend meals for hungry students from Central Elementary School. This will be an ongoing collection of food and opportunities to package meals. Visit the links to sign up and share the love of Christ through this ministry!
List of food supplies needed: tinyurl.com/ohcfoodneeds
Sign up to pack meals: tinyurl.com/ohcmealpacking
Orchard Hill Church is blessed to partner with Central Elementary School, located right down the street from our building! Adults from our congregation volunteer to give one hour, each week, to mentor a child at Central Elementary School, and we match that mentoring pair with a volunteer prayer partner from Orchard Hill.
There are currently a couple of children who are in search of mentors and prayer partners. If you have a desire to get involved and share God’s love with a child in need of extra support, please contact our Kids’ Hope Coordinator, Stacy Salmon