Hand 2 Hand

Did you know that 60% of families in Walker don’t qualify for assistance but don’t make enough financially to get by without it. In light of this high need in our own backyard, Orchard Hill Church is partnering with Hand 2 Hand Ministries to provide weekend meals for hungry students from Central Elementary School.

This partnership will involve two different ways to get involved:

  1. Donate to our ongoing collection of food for the weekly meal kits via:
    1. Donate funds via the mogiv tab at the top of the website, choosing “Hand 2 Hand” from the drop down tab.
    2. Find a hard copy list of food items needed on the marked donation bin by the West entrance of the church and return purchased items from this list there.
    3. Visit Hand 2 Hand Amazon wish list and purchase needed food items, having them delivered straight to the church.
    4. Items to donate during the summer months:

      Canned Chicken 12.5 oz., Canned Pasta Sauce 24 oz., Green Beans 14.5 oz., Spaghetti Noodles 16 oz., Taco Seasoning Packets.

  2. Volunteer to package these meals at OHC. We will pack every other week, packing 2 weeks of meals each time. 

Visit the links below to sign up and share the love of Christ through this ministry!

Have questions on how to get involved with Hand 2 Hand at Orchard Hill? Contact our Hand 2 Hand Coordinator, Mackenzie Karel, at cmkunst6@yahoo.com.