Easter is a wonderful time of year. Spring is beginning, and the showers are making way for flowers to grow, the weather is beginning to get warmer, and we have a celebration of Christ dying on the cross for us to wash away our sins, and being resurrected on the third day. It is one of my most favorite times of the year, but the heart preparation that I do is sometimes difficult and daunting.
Nate, my husband, is attending seminary, and I have been auditing a class with him, so we have been having deeper theological conversations due to our need to process what we are learning. Because of this, there have been so many things that have thrown me for a loop lately about God, His word, and this world. It is so easy to get caught up in the details and the intricacies of God and lose sight of what is actually important.
Like what about the trinity? It makes no sense to me! One, but also three separate persons? It is one thing to say that out loud and agree, but how do I even begin to put that together in my mind? How do I reconcile the seemingly confusing relationship that is also supposed to represent complete harmony?
What about things that God seemingly allows to happen in the world that are so terrible? War. Murder. Mental illness. Cancer. The list seems endless. There are many times where I see the hurt in this world and I wonder why God doesn’t seem to be DOING something about it.
It is so easy to get distracted. Lately, God has been teaching me that even when I am confused and not fully understanding Him, He is still God. The Bible is littered with truths about God that we can fall back on when we are struggling in our faith and understanding. When I am confused about a theological concept, I know that God understands it, and that is what matters. When I see someone hurting, I can fall back on the truth that God is good and He is in control.
Our society places so much value on knowledge. Because of that, it is so easy to think that we need to know and understand everything about God to truly believe in Him. Yet, the most important truth that I think that we can fall back on is to know that God loves us! He loves us so much that over 2,000 years ago, He sent His son as a little baby to this earth. That little baby grew into an amazing and sinless man that chose to die on a cross for no other reason that He wanted to have a personal relationship with us. On the third day, He rose from the grave and defeated death once and for all because HE LOVES US!
So, this Easter Sunday, I want to invite you to place your wonderings, your struggles, and your doubts at the foot of the cross. Come before Him in complete awe and wonder of the amazing love that Christ has for you. Trust in Him and his goodness, and simply come to worship God for who He is.
Miranda Huyck
Children’s Ministry Director