Equip groups are designed to help you grow in your understanding of the faith as they equip you to live out your calling in Christ.

1) Tehillah Nights: Open Worship
Who: People of any age looking to be encouraged, equipped, and transformed by worship and the Spirit.
What: A space to experience a new kind of worship and encouragement in the Spirit, inspired by the Hebrew word Tehillah, meaning spontaneous praise. This may look like prayer, praise, fellowship through wisdom, scripture, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, or something else! If you are seeking breakthrough, gifts of the Holy Spirit, renewing of mind, or mending of heart, come worship with us!
Leader: (movingyesterday@gmail.com)
When & Where: The 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 PM (come early for fellowship), January 6- May 5, in the West Overflow.
2) Parenting Ministry
Who: A group for any parent wanting to better be equipped to raise children to follow Jesus as they grow.
What: Families will gather together monthly throughout the school year for a family dinner. Then childcare will be provide while parents are equipped with teachings, practical resources, and ideas to build confidence in raising your children to be disciples of Jesus Christ!
Leader: Pastor Greg Salmon (gregs@orchardhill.org)
When & Where: The Third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM, January 15- April 16, in Studio 1.

3) Financial Peace University
Who: Adults of any age looking to be equipped to faithfully steward their personal finances.
What: A place to learn healthy financial practices and be equipped to experience financial freedom from debt. Register at: www.fpu.com/EEF69E.
Leader: Dan DeWaal (dan@moneywithhonor.com)
When & Where: Sundays at 4:00 PM in the Man Cave, January 19– March 16.
4) The Multiply Challenge
Who: Disciples of Jesus who want to make disciples, but aren’t sure where to start, or need encouragement for the journey!
What: A 40 day challenge and tool for disciple-making/faith sharing! Join this 7-week group for the MULTIPLY CHALLENGE! Gain tools, Biblical insight, and encouragement from others as we seek to share our faith in Jesus Christ with those around us.
Leader: Pastor Laura Dilley (laurad@orchardhill.org)
When & Where: Sundays at 11:30 AM in the East Overflow, March 2- April 13 (the 40 days leading up to Easter).

5) Purim: Esther’s Story
What: An 8-week interactive class on Purim and the book of Esther. Not your traditional study, with interactive readings, raffles, food, crafts, and a Purim Feast on March 13 at Sundown! This will be educational and exciting as we read through the Book of Esther and study Purim, gleaning information on the historical era, Jewish tradition. Come and be encouraged in your faith as we uncover how the symbols and themes in the story point to Christ in our lives and experience the excitement of celebrating redemption!
Leader: (movingyesterday@gmail.com)
When & Where: Thursdays at 6:30 PM, January 30- March 13, in the East Overflow.
6) Couple’s Ministry
Who: Any couple looking to grow closer together and closer in their walk with God!
What: A mixture of devotional/prayer encouragements, fun events, and couples’ challenges!
Leaders: Mark and Wendy Huizinga (wendyh@orchardhill.org)
When & Where:
January: New Year’s Devotional
February: Couples Night (date TBD)
March/April: Spring Devotional
Summer: Couples’ Challenge!