A place to grow deep in faith, accountability, and community.
Who: Groups of 3-5 same gender individuals that meet to ask accountability questions, encourage one another in the Lord, and pray, all with the goal of looking more like Jesus!
Focus: Discipleship Groups ask the following accountability questions at each meeting:
1) What has God been teaching you from His Word?
2) What sin is in your life you need to cut out?
3) Who are you discipling or sharing the gospel with?
4) What do you need prayer for this week?
Leader: These groups do not have leaders, but each member commits to being present and invested.
When and Where: Groups meet twice a month at a time and place of the group’s agreement.
Start A Group: To build a discipleship group, reach out to OHC friends you’d like to journey with and invite them to prayerfully consider forming a committed group.