Dear Mom and Dad,
We need to talk. I would have loved to tell you what is on my mind in person but I didn’t think I would be able to get all these words out without you stopping me, interrupting me, looking at your phone, checking your email or ignoring me. So, I wrote a letter. This is what I need you to hear. Please listen.
Frist of all, I need you to back off. I can’t handle the pressure you are putting on me every single day. All I hear from you is, “You better ace this test… You better keep practicing your free throws… You better get in the weight room if you want to make the team… Did you do your chores?… Son, why don’t you try doing it this way… Daughter, why don’t you find some better friends to hang around… No college is going to give you any scholarships with a 3.0 GPA…” To be honest, I don’t even care. I don’t care if I have a 3.3 or a 4.0. I don’t care if I don’t make it the team! I don’t care if I don’t play defense the correct way! It’s one thing if I was failing my classes or not trying my best, but I am working hard! Mom and Dad, when I die, is God going to say, “Well done good and smart student?” Is He going to say, “Well done big and strong athlete?” No. I know you just care about me and want me to succeed, but I can’t handle the pressure you are putting on me.
Secondly, if you say that God and faith are the most important things to you, why do your lives not reflect that? Is it okay, that you party on the weekends? Is it okay that you don’t love each other sacrificially as Christ called you to? Is it okay to skip worship on Sundays because you want to drive us to sporting events all over the place? I think you like the traveling sports more than I do. I am confused because our family’s lives and actions don’t match up with how Christ calls us to live. I just want you to know that I am watching you. I am studying you. I am learning from you. Will you please be the example that God calls you to be?
Lastly, life is not all about work. I am growing up so quickly, and I don’t get to see you anymore. I just want you to know that your time with me is more valuable to me than our cottage. Your time with me is more valuable than our boat. Your time with me is more valuable than our house. If we need to sell everything, and simplify life so that you can start spending time with me, I want you to know that is okay. Remember what Jesus says, “Don’t store up for yourselves treasures here on earth.” Jesus doesn’t care about all your toys. Neither do I. Life isn’t about work. Life isn’t about being successful in the worlds eyes. Life isn’t about getting more stuff. It’s all going to be gone junk in 20 years anyway.
I know that you are probably unaware of all of this. I know you don’t intentionally hurt me. But the truth is, you are. Will you please take what I said to heart? I would love to talk about this more when you get a chance.
-An all too common student in today’s world.
Greg Salmon, Director of Youth Ministries