What It It's True

- March 23: “What If It’s True?” – Mary Magdalene
- March 30: “What If It’s True?” – John
- April 6:
- April 13: Palm Sunday
- April 20: Resurrection Sunday
Elements of Revival

- February 2: Worship Restores Our Identity.
- February 9: Praying the Jesus Way!
- February 16: The Lord’s Prayer
- February 23: Party Popper Sunday
- March 2: The Sabbath
- March 9: Will You Go Back To The Father?
- March 16: 3:16 on 3/16
This year at Orchard Hill we are focusing on “Elements of Revival.” Each of our worship services will touch on a key element of renewal, which under the leading of the Holy Spirit, can foster a profound renewal of faith and
personal transformation.
Series Resources:
- Sunday Matters by Paul Tripp. Fifty-two devotions about the beauty of corporate worship to prepare your heart to come to worship. Order on-line.
- 2025 Bible Reading Plan. The Bible Reading Guide is a list of daily scriptures that coincides with an engaging 8-minute daily podcast, The Bible Recap podcast. Pick up a guide in the church lobby or online at www.nae.org/brg-english/
- BLESSING Tool. Stop by the Connection Corner to pick up this resource to help focus your heart on outreach.
- Love to Pray. A 40-Day devotional for deepening your prayer life. Available at prayershop.org ($11)