
Coronavirus Update

Dear Orchard Hill Church Family,

There is no question we are navigating uncharted territory. The landscape surrounding us is changing daily as our country deals with and attempts to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus. In the face of this virus among us, we are daily considering how we can best be the body of Christ. Our decisions are not reactions of fear but rather rooted in Godly wisdom as we consider the well being of our church family and how we can be a good witness to our community.

To that end, we have chosen to suspend our weekly worship gatherings and all group meetings until further notice. While we will miss one another dearly during this time, we will be hosting a virtual service online. This means that the church staff will continue to bring elements of the Sunday service, but it will be in the presence of a congregation participating virtually, gathering as a church family online, rather than physically present in the building. You can access these live services on Sundays at 10:00 AM through Facebook via the “Orchard Hill Church” Facebook page (not the “Orchard Hill Church Fellowship Group”).

We also feel that this is a true opportunity for us to love one another. Pastor and author Rick Warren shared that, “Every crisis in our world is an open door to show God’s love!” Please be checking in with those you know in our Orchard Hill family to make sure they are well, safe, and cared for. If you are aware of someone who might have a special need that you cannot care for, please call or email us and we will organize the army of God into action. If you need help, we care about you and our goal during this crisis is to serve you however you may need. Please get in touch with us and to let us know how we can come alongside you.

A special note to our older family members, who are most at risk: please do not take a chance and go out! Let us know your needs and we will help you in whatever we can. This is not a bother, but a gift for our church family to be able to love you in this way.

Please contact Pastor Kathy at with any needs, or to offer assistance to others.

While we are unable to gather together physically, we are still the church of Jesus and we are never alone when we are a part of the family of Christ. Please reach out to “one another” during this time of physical distance and stay connected!

We believe this is a time for us to remain faithful as the Church of Jesus in this world and to use this unique opportunity to share God’s love and truth! Consider how you can be a beacon of peace and hope in these uncertain times:

  • Perhaps you feel safe enough to invite a neighbor over for the live streamed service and lunch on Sunday.
  • Join the effort with Kenowa Hills Schools (including our Kids Hope partner, Central Elementary School) to pack and deliver breakfast and lunch to local families who count on the schools for their daily bread (contact to volunteer).
  • Take a prayer walk outside over your neighborhood or come to Orchard Hill and walk the Labyrinth as you pray for our country.
  • Write a letter of encouragement or make/send cards to our older members, or local nursing homes, who are quarantined (Pastor Kathy can give you a list of names and addresses).
  • Be looking and praying for opportunities to serve and share God’s love in other ways!

While we may not be physically present together, the day to day ministry of Orchard Hill Church goes on. We want to encourage you to continue to honor your stewardship commitments, as this is critical for the ministry of Orchard Hill continuing in our community and around the world. We are aware that we are facing uncertain economic conditions in our families, workplaces, and businesses, but we ask you to remain faithful to God in your giving. This time is, perhaps, the best time to grow in your faith by showing trust and gratitude to God who is our provider. While we are missing the rhythm of bringing our “first-fruits” to God during our offering time in our service, you can still give online through Mo-Give. Simply visit and follow the “Giving” link at the top of the page for this easy to use platform. You may also mail tithes/offerings to the church or drop them off in the box outside the office.

At the present time, the church office will remain open 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday – Thursday.

A couple of other scheduling updates to note:

  • The “John, His Story” drama has been canceled for March 29. We are hoping to offer this presentation at a later date.
  • The Easter Eggstravaganza has been canceled for this year. While this is very disappointing, gathering hundreds of people together in the face of this crisis seems to be unwise.
  • Holy Week worship is yet to be determined. We are hoping that Easter will indeed be the day we can gather together in the Lord at this building! We will see how the virus is progressing.

At this point, it is likely that this temporary ban for group gatherings may continue beyond the current April 5 restriction date, and we want to keep you up to date with how this affects the happenings at Orchard Hill Church. To best stay abreast of the current information, we encourage you to:

  • Make sure the front office has your email address (contact
  • Follow the “Orchard Hill Church” Facebook page and our community Facebook page, the “Orchard Hill Church Fellowship Group.”
  • Sign up for text message alerts about all-church news. Text the word “orchard” to 313131.

While we are disappointed that we cannot gather together and are temporarily eliminating some great programming, we are not discouraged! God allows these things to take place in our lives for His sovereign purposes and we know He remains good and faithful always. During this time, we must not let our fears keep us from being faithful to His gospel in our lives, even if our routines are disrupted. Friends no matter how frustrating, confusing, or scary this crisis may feel, fear doesn’t have the final say. 1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” Our hope is built on the perfect love of Jesus Christ and we, therefore, can move forward fearlessly with His perfect love.

Please do what you can to stay healthy and we will continue to seek to be a good light to our community by honoring the health and safety recommendations of our leaders.

Blessings in the Lord, beloved Church family,

Your Orchard Hill Pastoral Staff

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