In Psalm 118 David makes a bold and profound statement about God. He says, “God is good.”
“Good” is the consistent scriptural description of the nature and actions of God. God is good. “Good” is who God is and “Good” is what defines His character. God is “good” because He is complete and perfect. God is “good” because He is the definition of truth and what is right. God’s character is one of absolute goodness. At all times and in all situations God is good. There is nothing in God that is not good. This is the great theological truth I learned as a child saying my dinner prayers, “God is great…God is good…let us thank him for this food.” In this goodness of God, David says we can trust. Paul echoes this thought in Romans 8:28 when he declares that, “in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” Today, in whatever situation you find yourself in, turn to our good God and, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”